Statistic summary

Annual statistics
Month Total search Statistic access Logins count
All In the library Outside the library All In the library Outside the library All In the library Outside the library
Total 4409 59 4350 862 72 790 217 11 206
January 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 13
February 891 6 885 128 8 120 42 5 37
March 642 4 638 146 2 144 25 1 24
April 587 4 583 109 9 100 16 2 14
May 356 5 351 80 10 70 25 0 25
June 274 19 255 78 18 60 23 1 22
July 144 0 144 26 1 25 7 0 7
August 337 14 323 51 8 43 13 2 11
September 243 0 243 62 3 59 10 0 10
October 383 7 376 71 8 63 15 0 15
November 185 0 185 46 4 42 9 0 9
December 367 0 367 65 1 64 19 0 19
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